Burning Hearts is an overseas missions trip for teenagers age 16-19 who are eager to explore and who hunger for a heart to see and serve the Lord.
We want to see youth with burning hearts for Christ reach to the ends of the earth.

"Imagine a teenage heart, burning deep red and engulfed in flame. And not only does the fire not fade, the heart ignites every other heart it touches, consuming a whole generation with warmth and light."

To cultivate a heart for the lost; a heart set apart towards the Lord. A heart moved by the love of the Father. Living from the conviction that it’s not about us, but the heart that the Father has given us.

To be set on fire by the truth & presence of the Lord, unable to be extinguished and spreading that same fire to every person we engage with - every heart we touch. To understand that burning is gonna feel uncomfortable, but come from a place that is sustainable. Burn-ing.
Can you see it? Hearts set ablaze by God, burning with passion and purpose that's more than just hype, igniting every heart they touch.


We believe that youth have active burning hearts and that as soon as they capture God's heart it will be like a fire lit inside of them. And when other youth see their hearts it will ignite something within them and then spread like wild fire. (Ch 16:24-27; Psa 68:11; Psa 71:15-16; Psa 145:4-7)

To equip and champion youth to be fully invested in missions - be that long-term or short-term. A strong emphasis of ministry and sharing the Gospel will come amid the outreach phase, equipping participants with tools for street evangelism, school ministry, Bible studies, sharing testimonies, youth groups and so much more. (Deu 15:7-11; Deu 24:17-22; Psa 112:4-9; Pro 11:10-11; Zec 7:8-10)

Our lives are to be done for, from and with God. Prayer and worship are essential to align our hearts and minds to God and His mission and calling over our lives... and we wouldn't have it any other way! (Exo 20:2-3; Deu 6:4-5; 2Ki 17:35-39; Mat 6:5-15; Mat 9:36-38; Eph 3:14 21; 2Th 3:1-5)
God has called all believers to preach the gospel to all of creation & make disciples of all nations. His empowering Spirit is in each of us and youth are no exception. You don't have to be a certain age to serve, learn and even share the Gospel. Young people have a unique passion and a specific reach on the mission field. We want to see youth be a part of the missions movement and experience the Lord move in cross culturally and right here at home.

The missions trip will start in Brisbane with engaging discipleship input, team training and praying together. The second part will be serving and sharing the Gospel overseas.

This phase will be a youth camp, focused on developing their relationship with God and placing Him in the centre and what is it to live a life fully- focused upon Him. There are games, small-groups, times of processing and so much more.
The Discipleship Phrase focuses on relationship with God and how to develop rhythms to be a teenager who follows Christ. From this place we are able to become an overflow of His love.
Topics include: Sonship, The Great Commission, Why Jesus and more.

This phase is all about missions preparation & will include cross-cultural training, team building, ministry preparation and times of prayer/worship to seek the heart of God.
The Team Phase is designed to develop skills and knowledge about missions, from how to testify about God to how to share the Gospel with others. It will be an intensive time where the youth will learn how to lean in and rely on the Lord and each other.
Things we will learn together include:
Testimonies, Bible Storytelling, Skits/Dramas, Evanglism and more.
This phase is where youth will be able to put their development into action. The team will serve and partner with established missionaries overseas who have experience working with youth and short-term teams.
The team will be able to host and participate in various ministries, such as intercession and prayer, service projects, evangelism, kids camps, youth groups, open air sharing, homeless ministry, Bible studies and more.​
Current overseas locations we're investing in are Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and others in Southeast Asia.

After outreach, we take time back on the YWAM Brisbane centre to celebrate, process, re-enter in a healthy way and treasure what the Lord was saying and doing throughout our preparation, trip and upon our return to Brisbane.
It’s a time to reflect on what the Lord has taught us and how we can become more like Christ and also prepare to transition home and continue to grow and serve our home church.

Bible Study, Evangelism, Village Life, Service Projects
~$2400 - $3000 AUD
9 Spaces
If you want to express interest or find out more information, please email goteams@ywambrisbane.com.
*Once your application is received, we will send you a packing list, parents packet, code of conduct & schedule leading up to outreach.