Youth With A Mission is an international volunteer missions movement of Christians from many backgrounds, cultures and traditions. We are excited to serve, love and share the gospel with people throughout the world. Also known as YWAM (pronounced "Y - wam"), our purpose is simply to know God and to make Him known - fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

At YWAM Brisbane we are passionate about being a community that is deeply planted in Christ. In doing so we are able to share God's love in powerful and creative ways with our neighbours, our city, Australia and beyond. We do this through training, evangelism and ministries.

To train and equip teams of young believers from all backgrounds to be witnesses of Jesus through short-term outreaches at the local, regional and global levels.
YWAM Brisbane is a vibrant discipleship community. Currently offering two focuses for our Discipleship Training School:
Beach 2 Bush DTS
Music Art and Dance DTS
Check out our second level training schools:
Basic Leadership School (BLS)
Bible Core Course (BCC)

To transform our local community, even as we are being transformed by Christ.
YWAM Brisbane is constantly sending teams locally and around the world.
We have a burning desire to see people encounter Jesus and grow in relationship with Him.

We are not a training organisation that does missions but a missions organisation that does training.
YWAM Brisbane has several ministries we do to reach out to communities in our local area, Australia - and the world. Some of are ministries include;
The Meeting Place Cafe
Rural Missions
Go Teams
Strategic Missions
february 2023
There are more than 1,500 YWAM locations in at least 187 countries worldwide, with a staff of over 20,000 volunteers from 200 nations and various denominations. More than four million students, short-term volunteers and staff have served with YWAM since its inception in 1960.

At YWAM Brisbane we are passionate about being a community that is deeply planted in Christ. In doing so, we are able to share God's love in powerful and creative ways with our neighbours, our city, Australia and beyond.
If you long for a powerful encounter with God, come to the YWAM Brisbane campus. Then go from here with a passion for life and an exciting sense of destiny and calling for your future.
Our vision it to know God and make Him known. As a campus we focus on starting in our community, expanding to the city, then the greater country of Australia and, finally, the ends of the earth. This comes from Acts 1:8 which is our core verse. The schools we run and the programs we offer are strategically designed to grow your faith, nurture your calling and send you out as passionate and powerful disciples.

We are dedicated to presenting Jesus personally to this and future generations, to mobilizing as many as possible to help in this task, and to the training and equipping of believers for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are called to love, worship, and obey our Lord, to love and serve His body, the Church, to love all peoples everywhere, which includes presenting the whole Gospel for the whole person throughout the whole world.

You may know us as Ungdom med Uppgift, Ungdom i Oppdrag or Youth With a Mission - its all the same and we serve Christians around the world through the Discipleship Training School (or Opetuslapseuskoulu as they say in Finland). The purpose of the Disippeltreningsskole is to equip believers for missions and life of influence for Jesus. Brisbane in sunny Queensland is a marvellous place for a DTS (or lärjungaskola as the Swedes call it)